
Hiiii!!! Basically we're the katts (Sophia our owner says it's spelled cats but it really isn't we're katts so we should know)and we'll take turns blogging,or blog about something all together.Sophia is our owner and if she says something it'll be in bold type.Also we aren't all crazy...just Bonnie and Percy.Anyways we love you all!
Fish,Missy,Bonnie,Percy,and our owner Sophia

Friday, August 24, 2012

Jedi Kittens video Review by The Katts

Fish: I thought this video was very-

Percy: Hey is there any popcorn?

Missy: Be quiet! Fish was talking!

Bonnie: Hey!! Don't tell my baby to be quiet!

Guys! Behave.

Fish: Anyway...I really liked the video, since I am a big Star Wars fan.

Percy: Snickers Bars?  Twix? Anything to eat at all?

Missy:Just ignore him.

Bonnie: Hey!!

Missy: Ow!She hit me!

Guys! What did I say?

Fish: Am I the only one talking about the video?

Missy: No, I'll say something-I love Princess Leia!!

Bonnie: Ummm, she's not in this video...

Percy: Ice cream! Fish, where'd you leave the carton?

Oh well apparently this review has failed...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Blue Bell Cookies'n Cream Icecream by Fish

Today I discovered a miracle.It is called Ice cream. Fish,it isn't that big a miracle it's been around longer than even I've been alive. It is a miracle. You have to try it.  Now. Especially the Blue Bell kind they make in my town.I probably shouldn't have stuck my paw in that bowl though...

Percy Jackson

Name:Percy Jackson


Hobbies:Climbing up screen doors like my mommy,meowing insistently untill someone opens the door like my mommy,eating,sleeping,annoying Fish and Missy like my mommy,following in my mommy's footsteps.

About:I am not a baby I just turned a year old in March!I am huge like Fish we both weigh about 13teen or more pounds.

Comments:I did not steal the Lightening Bolt from Zeus.


Name: Bonnie

Nickname: Bon Bon

Hobbies: Kicking Missy's bum, climbing up screen doors, meowing insistently until someone opens the door, attacking Fish and Missy's tails since all I have is a short one, running around the house and yard like a nut, eating/rolling around in cat nip.

About: Well I wandered over to Sophia's house when I was pregnant and they let me stay there and I had three kittens(one of them is Percy!)

Comments: Hey! Who added the "Also we aren't all crazy...just Bonnie and Percy." part to the blog description!?


Name: Fish

Nicknames: Mr. Baby Fish

Hobbies: Eating!, Sleeping!

About:Sophia got to get a kitten at the shelter and she chose me over my gray brother and sister, certainly shows that she's got taste.


Saturday, August 18, 2012



Nicknames:Misa Misa Mouse

Hobbies: Mouse catching, laying on the porch, looking cute, mouse catching, cat beauty pageants, bird catching,sleeping, oh and did I mention mouse catching!?

About: Sophia and her mom found me and they decided to keep me,also I'm Sophia's favourite...
